
Blazing Through Dallas Part IV: Up High, Down Low

One of the most peculiar things about Dallas that Victor and I noticed was that there were not many people out on the streets during the day. We asked a local what we should do in Dallas, and what was funny was that she didn’t say anything specific, but she mentioned that there are underground tunnels under the city because Dallas is just too darn hot. I did plenty of research before visiting Dallas, and I had no idea!

Underground Tunnels

The tunnels are primarily for office workers. It is so that they can get from office building to office building, as well as to parking garages. It’s pretty unbelievable that it gets so hot in Dallas that it’s almost unbearable to walk outside.

Dallas Tunnels 2The network contains an underground city of shops, restaurants and offices during weekday business hours. To enter the tunnels, there are specific entry points that are marked by a kind of pyramid shape. And yes, because the tunnels are only open during the workweek, most people are at work. So, Victor and I had the tunnels to ourselves for the most part.

Dallas Tunnels 7 Dallas Tunnels 1The tunnels also connect to hotels underground. The tunnels range from brick walls and white columns, to beautifully decorated walls full of artwork.

I took a class in college called Underground Art, and so was instantly interested when I found out about the tunnels. Truly unusual and unique!

Dallas Tunnels 5 Dallas Tunnels 4


In addition to the underground tunnels, there are also skywalks. Functionally, these tunnels operate the same as their counterparts. What’s nice though is that you get to see views of the city.

Dallas Tunnels 3

Sky Lobby

Speaking of up high and down low, here’s one special insider Dallas secret: the Sky Lobby.

Dallas - Sky Lobby 2

Looming over a large part of Dallas is the Chase Tower. Though it is not the tallest skyscraper in Dallas, it does have a major presence and has a unique design. If you look up the tower, there is a point where there is a large keyhole in the structure. Here is where the sky lobby resides.

Dallas - Sky Lobby 1 Dallas - Sky Lobby 7 Dallas - Sky Lobby 6

The Sky Lobby feels so exclusive and foreign, but it really is just a beautiful space. There are all sorts of cool fauna planted around, and the views from the large windows are unmatched in Dallas!

Dallas - Sky Lobby 5 Dallas - Sky Lobby 4 Dallas - Sky Lobby 3So, are you ready to explore the high and low parts of Dallas?

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