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cambridge mathematical bridge

Seasonal Digest: Winter 2020/2021

Welcome to another Seasonal Digest! Reflection is an important part of life and in my effort to be self-aware and grateful, I will go through a summary of what’s been going on in my world season by season. This Seasonal Digest covers Winter 2020/2021…


Staycation at Home: Japan Edition

As the UK entered lockdown #3 on 6 January, I was already pretty irritable. Christmas had been cancelled. I was incredibly upset as to how the UK Government handled the cancellation of Christmas. I’m all for being safe, but why give people hope if…


Seasonal Digest: Autumn 2020

Welcome to another Seasonal Digest! Reflection is an important part of life and in my effort to be self-aware and grateful, I will go through a summary of what’s been going on in my world season by season. This Seasonal Digest covers Autumn 2020…


Seasonal Digest: Summer 2020

Welcome to another Seasonal Digest! Reflection is an important part of life and in my effort to be self-aware and grateful, I will go through a summary of what’s been going on in my world season by season. This Seasonal Digest covers Summer 2020…

Marshes river

How to Run Your Own At-Home Retreat

As I’m sure so many of you can relate to, I feel saddened that I cannot go on vacation, or even take a break. For me, a day off means going out into the world and exploring something new. I’ve never been the kind…

Bird watching marshes

Seasonal Digest: Spring 2020 (COVID-19 Edition)

Welcome to another Seasonal Digest! Reflection is an important part of life and in my effort to be self-aware and grateful, I will go through a summary of what’s been going on in my world season by season. This Seasonal Digest covers Spring 2020…


Seasonal Digest: Winter 2019/20

Welcome to another Seasonal Digest! Reflection is an important part of life and in my effort to be self-aware and grateful, I will go through a summary of what’s been going on in my world season by season. This Seasonal Digest covers Winter from…


7 Ways to Support Small Businesses (London Edition)

Well, originally this blog post was going to be titled “How to Support Small Businesses During a Lockdown”, but then I realised that some of these tips are still incredibly useful for small businesses even when there is not a global pandemic! Regardless, it…


Living Abroad in the Midst of COVID-19

Yes, this is what it seems like. It is yet another article/blog post/oped on COVID-19. I live in London and my employer sent everyone to work from home last week. In addition, my partner and I have decided to self-isolate as others are not…