Another year has come and gone, and for some reason autumn has flashed by in an instant. It’s been just over a year since Victor and I moved to London for the greatest adventure of our lives. I think it’s an incredible challenge to sum up an entire year, hence why I’ve written plenty of Seasonal Digests to break it down. Instead of summing up a whole year, I celebrate the New Year like perhaps many others. Instead of reflecting, it’s more like planning for the next year.
I get back to London from the US on January 8th. From there, it’s exam period… I seriously cannot wait until I get to stop announcing these terrible things. To any students out there, I completely understand what you’re going through. It’s tough. And the worst thing about it is that it’s all-consuming. No traveling for me I’m afraid.
Exams will be over and classes will have started — my last semester at university! I go back and forth between wanting to travel around the UK and traveling elsewhere. Well, I am happy to say that Victor and I are taking a weekend trip to Bath and Stonehenge. Bath is kind of the last day trip town around London I need to go to. And I mean, Stonehenge can’t be a bad idea, right?
Source: Hand Luggage Only
I have one week off and so Victor and I are taking full advantage of it. We’re going to Italy! I have never been and I am beyond excited. We are going to Rome, Naples, Pompeii, the Amalfi Coast, and Capri! Victor’s parents are visiting a couple weeks later, so that’ll be a nice time to continue discovering London.

Sources: Ancient History Encyclopedia, Condé Nast Traveler, and Mangsaab
Over Easter, Victor and I plan on going to Berlin. It’s a city I’ve been dreaming about visiting, so I really hope it works out. Victor’s family is having a huge family reunion mid-April so we’re making a trip out of it. We’ll be back in Barcelona, as well as exploring the province of Aragon and Navarre.
Source: Backroads
My last month of university. I have one exam and three papers, but after that is going to be the most terrifying time. I’d like to make a quick visit to my cousin living in Lisbon.
My friend Paula and her family have invited some friends to celebrate the end of the year in Greece. Crete of all places! If not, I’d really like to start making a trip to the US twice a year. I know it’s extremely expensive and difficult, but I find that I never have enough to visit all my friends during one annual visit over Christmas.
The rest of the summer is really a mystery because it depends on if I get a job! Eeee scary life moments. My dear friends from Ohio will be in Ireland sometime, so Victor and I would like to do a road trip all over Ireland (a dream of mine).
I actually have no idea what will happen. Will I still be in London? Will I still be in Europe? I have no clue which is both terrifying and exciting. I do have some trip ideas though… as always.
- Southern Spain
- Central Europe — Prague, Budapest, Vienna
And that’s about it for 2018. Of course, I’ve learned that plans always change but I love creating goals and reviewing them at the end of the year. It’s interesting to see where life takes me.
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