
Seasonal Digest: Autumn 2018

Welcome to another Seasonal Digest! Reflection is an important part of life and in my effort to be self-aware and grateful, I will go through a summary of what’s been going on in my world season by season. This Seasonal Digest covers Autumn 2018 from September to November. If you want to read more Digests, click here.

Travel Summary

Flights: 4

Countries: 1

Beds: 6

Autumn is my favourite season, and usually it’s full of travel. Consequently, I usually complain that I never have enough time to enjoy this time of year. However, this time around, my autumn was quite, well, quiet. Yes, Victor and I went to Spain for a bit and yes we went back for a wedding, but time has been taken up by ‘everyday’ sort of things.



Within the first week of autumn, Victor and I were already on our way traveling! Going back to Barcelona at least once or twice a year is a wonderful treat, but this time we decided to take advantage of the great time of year. We headed south to Victor’s beach town, Calafell. It’s an adorable yet typical town, full of Barcelona folk fleeing the city for the weekend. Calafell is located along the Costa Daurada “Golden Coast”, famous for its long, wide sandy beaches. Sure, we spent a lot of time at the beach, but we also did some exploring around the region. It’s a great place to eat, drink, and relax! 

Victor’s birthday came right around the corner and we celebrated quietly with a nice dinner at a Vietnamese restaurant. He’s always adored Vietnamese food, and this restaurant (called CôBa) is actually Australian-inspired! The food is fresh, tasty, and interesting. 


We also rounded off September by wandering around several sites in London as part of London Design Week. It celebrates and promotes London as the design capital of the world. It’s typically held every September, with the V&A usually being the epicenter of all the hubbub! 



Crazy is the only adjective I could use to describe October. October was absolutely insane for two main reasons: I started my new job AND we moved to our new flat! In hindsight, I wouldn’t recommend doing two big life changes in the same week. Nevertheless, I’m really happy with my job as well as my new home. 

Rewinding just a bit, Victor and I actually attended something that I had been dying to go to since forever: The Globe! It’s the most London-esque activity I can think of… perhaps too stereotypical. Yet, I was just geeking out when I got to see Othello, performed live in an epic replica of the famous Elizabethan playhouse. 

Of course, the madness never really stopped. Victor and I flew out to Zaragoza, Spain for one of Victor’s cousin’s wedding, set in a beautiful vineyard. It was my first time meeting all of Victor’s dad’s side of the family, so I finally feel like I’m known by everyone. 



And then, just like that, it was November! The last month of autumn! I have a particular affinity to November simply because it’s the month of my birthday and of Thanksgiving! For my birthday, Victor took me a very special place. Bar Douro is a Portuguese restaurant near Borough Market. But, this was not a random choice. I just received my first Portuguese passport, so this was really a celebration of me obtaining all the benefits of being an EU citizen. The UK can’t kick me out quite yet!


Just a week later Victor and I got up very early on a Saturday morning to make a whole feast to celebrate Thanksgiving. We usually cook for a crowd of 8-12, but this year we decided have a small, intimate dinner. We only invited one friend (my food-loving friend, Ioana), but the best part is that we had the same amount of food for 8 people! The best part of Thanksgiving is the leftovers, so why not?


  • My dear Uncle Mack passed away a few weeks ago. I was nothing less than devastated, and I also feel pain for my wonderful aunt. Rest in peace, uncle <3
  • Being far away made this so much harder to process. So, yes, I’ve been feeling heavy pangs of homesickness. It has been terrible, but I’m hoping I’ll get over this hump soon. 


  • After a couple months of searching and interviewing and going crazy, I finally found my first career job! 
  • Though it was really hard to do, Victor and I adore our new flat. It’s the first time we’re living on our own together, and it has been beyond amazing. I am so grateful. 


  • As I mentioned, I am homesick, but luckily I have a trip to good ol’ Virginia! Yes, I’m there for the holidays from 21 December to 1 January.
  • Victor and I are not the only ones flying back to London on January 1st. My brother, Brendan, is flying to London with us! It will be his first time to Europe outside Portugal, and also his first time being kind of on his own (i.e. without mum and dad). I’m excited to show him my city. 
  • Other visitors in the works: my other brother, Connor and my best friend Mackenze are going to try and come in the Spring. And, my other best friend Rhiannon is trying to come over to Europe in the summer!

Ideas & Dreams

  • I have lots of visits coming up, so there isn’t that much time to go off and do my own thing (with Victor of course). However, we do have *some* ideas. We still dream of a road trip through Cornwall and Devon. 


Let’s see what winter brings! Looking ahead: a trip to the US for the holidays.

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