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Northern Ireland

Belfast International Wall 2

Locating The Troubles Today: A Bit of Context

Many of you are probably unaware that I studied abroad in Belfast, Northern Ireland during the spring semester of 2014. I specifically studied Northern Irish history, including The Troubles. I fell in love with the small city and countryside. My blog started off as…


My list of the Best Pubs of Belfast

Back when I studied abroad in Belfast, Northern Ireland in 2014, I discovered the fun and wonder of going to the pub. Pub culture was not something I was aware of growing up in the US and Thailand as a teenager. Since then I…


Belfast’s Obsession with Milkshakes

If you’re ever walking around Belfast, you’re going to notice a heck of a lot of milkshake advertisements. In addition, you’ll find that so many restaurants and cafes serve milkshakes. Belfast is caught up in milkshake mayhem and I love it!  If you’re more…


Going on a Black Cab Tour of Belfast

If you know anything about Northern Ireland or Belfast at all, you probably have heard of the the Troubles at the very least. If you haven’t heard of it, then you probably don’t know very much about the area. It would take me a…