Cuisine London

Esters: London’s Experimental and Modern Brunch Spot

Location: Stoke Newington, Hackney, London, England

Cuisine: Modern British


I’ve spoken before how I’m not a big fan of Italian food, but then discovered some amazing restaurants in Italy and London that changed my mind. I’m now a big fan, I promise! I have had a similar journey with breakfast and brunch food. I’ve never loved it as I usually think it’s overpriced for pretty average food that I can easily make at home myself. Yes, I’ve gone out to brunch with some friends but the food is not usually memorable for me.

But then, I went to Esters and now I can definitely say I love this kind of brunch! 

Esters London
Esters London

First of all, Esters is focused on supporting small, local and sustainable suppliers. For example, their tea is sourced from very small farms (via Postcard Teas in Mayfair). 

Their brunches are based on their own freshly baked sourdough bread, organic eggs, and delicious, seasonal produce and preserves. It’s a simple formula that really works. Esters also prides itself in being experimental, willing to try out new combinations. And, with an ever changing seasonal menu, you never quite know what you’re going to get. Here’s a sample menu so you can get an idea of what they may offer:

Esters sample menu

Basically, the themes of the meals remain similar week after week, but the specific ingredients vary depending on what’s available. They always have small, sweet breakfast like French Toast and Bircher Muesli. There’s always a vegetarian options, and then usually a fish option and a poached eggs dish (which can be vegetarian, pescatarian or with meat).

I always go for the veggie option because the produce combination is always so interesting! I’ve had some amazing ones:

  • grilled peaches, ticklemore cheese (a fresh, goat’s cheese with a lemony flavour), fennel, jalapeño, and dill
  • slow roasted pumpkin, cow’s curd, grilled radicchio and beet leaves, vadouvan (french version of masala) butter, and fresh pumpkin seeds
  • roasted spring onions, broccolini, rocket and chervil (also known as French parsley), and caramelised pecans 
Esters London
Esters brunch

Everything is refreshing, and that sourdough and soft boiled egg just pulls it all together. I highly recommend this special gem of a place in Stoke Newington. If you’re not a big brunch fan, then I urge you to try out Esters. Even if you already are a big brunch fan, prepare to be amazed by what Esters has to offer.

How do you feel about brunch? Are you a fan?

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