
The Açores: A Blog Post Overview

Hi readers! Please note this is a LIVE blog post, and so will be updated regularly. Please check back from time to time for ever more coverage of the Açores!

It truly is unbelievable that after one year, I have finally said everything I would like to say about the Açores (well, almost). It’s also incredible that this group of islands has such a special place in my heart. I hope travellers choose to travel outside of the box and pick the Açores as their next destination. Because I’ve written so much about it, I decided to compile an overview of all the posts I have done regarding towns, restaurants, attractions, events, and packing.

Town Guides

Azorean culture is characterised by the strength and charm of small communities. Ponta Delgada is the capital of the Açores, but is really no more than a large town. To really get a sense of the Açores, I recommend visiting as many towns as possible! Each region has its own customs and cuisine.

Açores - Ponta Delgada 3City Lights by the Harbor: Your Guide to Ponta Delgada – The stunning capital of the Açores, with its beautiful harbour and churches

Turn Up the Heat: Your Guide to Furnas – A town full of surprises, including several hot springs and pools

Sete Cidades: A Story of Green and Blue – Probably the most famous spot in the Açores, Sete Cidades will make you fall in love with the island

Up North We Go: Your Guide to Ribeira Grande – The surfers paradise of São Miguel

Journey to the West: Exploring Mosteiros – A town to the west, home to the most epic tidal pools and views

Of Mountains and Seas: Your Guide to Vila Franca do Campo – A boat ride to an island with a natural pool in the middle? Count me in!

The Real Countryside: Your Guide to Povoação – The countryside capital of São Miguel

Restaurant Reviews

The Açores are well-known for their high quality food products, but not so much for their restaurants. Historically, there have been very few but now there is an explosion of entrepreneurship. More and more restaurants are popping up each time I visit, so it’s really exciting to be a part of that growth.

Restaurant Review - Quinta dos Açores 4Quinta dos Açores – A delicious, fresh, and local casual restaurant offering family favourites like salads, burgers, and ice cream.

Taberna Rolhas – The fish experts here are legendary and you’ll never see a fish cut so quickly and perfectly again.

Restaurante da Associação Agrícola – An initiative dedicated to protecting and promoting Azorean products, this restaurant offers local meats and produce in a sophisticated, delicious way.


This is why you come to the Açores. You come for the natural beauty and the awe-inspiring landscapes. You come for the water and the sun.

Poça da Dona Beija Açores 9Termas de Ferraria – Hot spots in the cold Atlantic

Poça da Dona Beija – Some of the most beautiful pools, warmed by natural hot springs (pictured above)

Terra Nostra Park – This park is incredible, with a beautiful (and extensive) botanical garden and a hot spring pool in the middle

Best Beaches in São Miguel – A breakdown of the best beaches on the island!

Azorean Tea – Did you know the only tea plantation in Europe is located on São Miguel?

Ceramics – A beautiful craft still continues today in Lagos


White Party – A wonderful summertime party takes over the capital!

Festa Nossa Senhora – One of the many religious celebrations on the Açores


Packing – Coming soon!

Azorean Sweets – Coming soon!

Who knows when I’ll next be in the Açores, but I hope it is sometime soon! My intention to keep this post ‘live’ so I can continually add to it. Check back soon for ever more adventures.

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1 Comment

  • Reply Gary Rubin April 1, 2024 at 8:42 pm

    Great writing and overview! Thanks!

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